
Professional Development

The professional development of teachers is a key ingredient
in improving our nation's schools.

From Secondary Lenses on Learning, (Grant, Mills, Bouck, Davidson, et al, 2009)

Professional Development

Professional development in the Evesham Township School District encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities, ranging from formal coursework and conferences to informal meetings and learning opportunities situated in practice. There are a variety of approaches to professional development, including coaching, in-services, lesson study, mentoring, grade level/department meetings, workshops, Professional Learning Communities, reflective supervision, and technical assistance. These programs may be formal or informal, individualized or group-based. The state of NJ requires educators to document their own professional growth by accumulating professional development hours annually.

The district's Curriculum Department provides an extensive fall and spring professional development calendar that includes a wide variety of professional development opportunities focused on student learning and improved classroom practices. Approximately 20 - 40 workshops are offered on each calendar. The majority of the offerings are given by in-house Curriculum Supervisors at no additional cost to the district. This also includes technology workshops given by the District's Technology Coordinator. Supervisors and the Technology Coordinator combine their unique knowledge of the district with content area expertise to develop workshops based on the needs of teachers and students.

The Curriculum Department also coordinates with the Lenape Regional Curriculum Consortium to provide an annual professional development day, which targets staff members in the related arts and special services areas.

In addition, building-based workshops are also arranged and offered at the school level on an as needed basis. These professional development offerings are coordinated between the Curriculum Department and the individual school buildings. Building-based workshops are given by key personnel and are designed to address the needs of individual buildings. Workshop presenters include but are not limited to PLC/CFG Facilitators, Principals, Reading Specialists, Tier III Coordinators, Math and Technology Coaches.

The Special Education Department also organizes and offers workshops specific to particular areas of need and/or interest in this area.

Fall/Winter 2024 PD Offerings

The ETSD is excited to be able to offer thirty-seven different sessions on our fall/winter professional development calendar. These workshops are currently for Evesham Township School District staff only.

To view the full catalog, with at-a-glance offerings in the Table of Contents followed by more detailed descriptions, click here.

To register for any workshop offerings, click here for the PD Calendar.

Make sure you are signed into Google and logged into the district website before registering. 

Please be aware all sessions have a minimum number of required participants in order to be able to run as scheduled, so be sure to register at your earliest convenience. We are hopeful that all sessions will be able to run; however, if the numbers are too low to make the session a viable option all registered participants will be contacted by the Curriculum Office.

2023-2024 PD Session Highlights

The fall/winter and winter/spring catalogs offered approximately 94 sessions to staff members during the school year. Highlights included session titles such as:

  • Assessing with Exit Slips (Gr. K-8)
  • Book Orientations: More Than a Picture Walk (Gr. K-5)
  • Crafting Success Criteria in Math (Gr. K-8)
  • Don't Say What Kids Can Say - Balancing Talk in the Classroom (Gr. K-8)
  • Introduction to Guided Reading (Gr. K-8)
  • Leveraging AI for Productivity (Gr. K-8)
  • LGBTQ 101 (Gr. K-8)
  • Math Fact Fluency (Gr. 2-7)
  • Read&Write for Google (Gr. K-8)
  • Responsive Classroom: Logical Consequences (Gr. K-5)
  • Responsive Classroom: Using Teacher Language to Communicate Effectively and Respectfully (Gr. K-5)
  • The Structure of a Conference: A Conversation and So Much More (Gr. 3-8)
  • Understanding and Improving Challenging Behaviors (Gr. K-8)
  • Using Games for Fluency and Building Reasoning (Gr. K-8)
  • Using iReady Data to Inform Instruction in Mathematics (Gr. K-8)
  • Using Teacher Language to Promote Strategic Action (Gr. K-5)
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