
Pest Control Policy

This notice is being distributed to comply with the NJ School Integrated Pest Management Act. Evesham Township Board of Education has adopted an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Policy and implemented an IPM Plan to comply with this law. The district's formal IPM Policy and announcements of planned activities relating to IPM may be reviewed on the district website: IPM requires the use of the environmentally safest chemicals possible and only when necessary. Chemicals will not be applied when children are present and when possible, notice will be given prior to use. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and product labels are maintained by the IPM Coordinator, Joe Idell, located at the Evesham Township Schools Operations Building, 129 East Main Street, Marlton, NJ and are available for review by contacting him at 856-797-6840, Ext. 5504.

The IPM Coordinator is available for information and discussion about IPM activities and pesticide use at schools.

At this time, there are no activities or meetings scheduled concerning the IPM policy or plan.

The product “Demand” is typically used for the seasonal external foundation treatments in August. Also, the material “Waspfreeze” was applied directly to the nests of some stinging insects found at some schools.

As part of the district's pest management plan, pesticides may need to be used to control pests. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) register pesticides to determine that the use of a pesticide in accordance with instructions printed does not pose an unreasonable risk to human health and the environment. Nevertheless, the EPA and the DEP cannot guarantee that registered pesticides do not pose any risk to human health, thus unnecessary exposure to pesticides should be avoided. The EPA has issued the statement that where possible, persons who are potentially sensitive, such as pregnant women, infants and children, should avoid possible unnecessary possible pesticide exposure.

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