
Technology News

District Long-Range Technology PlanImage result for technology

The philosophy of the Evesham Township School District is to integrate technology in all aspects of the school curriculum. We believe technology should be utilized as a tool to facilitate students' development of skills and strategies necessary for risk-taking, problem-solving, critical thinking and managing resources. As digital learners, our students will engage in authentic activities that facilitate exploration, interaction, and global communication in an effort to prepare them for success beyond the classroom. Enabled with digital and civic citizenship skills, students are equipped to be responsible members of today's diverse global society. To that end, the district develops and implements a long-range technology plan in three year cycles.

Click here to view the complete district long-range technology plan for 2023-2026.

The main goals of the 2023-2026 plan are:

1. Develop student experiences that infuse technology to enhance learning, and foster critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity, while also considering the impact of digital choices.  

2. Maintain and extend evolving technology resources and infrastructure necessary for students and educators to safely navigate and engage with digital resources 

3. Extend staff knowledge and skills through differentiated professional development that targets authentic, deliberate and efficient integration of technology in order for students to be productive, empathic digital citizens who achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.  

Summer Technology Update 2024District Long Range Technology Plan The Technology Department, in conjunction with the Curriculum Department, was involved in a number of activities this past summer to further develop 21st century digital learning environments for our students and staff. Projects have been ongoing since school was let out in June and will continue through the end of September.  

Technology Projects

Several technology projects took place this summer, including:

  • Development and assigned monitoring of summer literacy and math Padlets for students;
  • Configuration and assignment of all Chromebooks at grade five and the middle school levels by homeroom for September distribution;
  • Chromebook inventory and distribution of classroom-based devices in grades 2 & 3;
  • Assignment of new Chromebooks at grades 4 and 6;
  • Push out of Chrome Apps and Extensions related to productivity and content areas, where needed;
  • iPad inventory and app updates of center-based devices in the primary grades;
  • Updates to district and school websites, updates to web pages for easy access to information, documents and forms;
  • Replacement and/or updates to professional staff laptop devices, as needed;
  • Movement of ActivPanels based on room reassignments;
  • Conversion and interfacing of all data into Genesis (SIS), Frontline (evaluations), Solana (cafeteria system), and Easy Bridge (math) for 2024-2025 school year;
  • Updating of attendance data, course code submissions, and evaluation data into Genesis as per state requirements for NJHomeroom/NJSMART reporting;
  • Importing of all students across the district into appropriate platforms, such as Realize, Carolina Science, GIZMOS, i-Ready, GoGuardian Teacher, & Creative Curriculum Gold;
  • Installation of applications to support PLTW implementation via Chromebooks;
  • Increased opportunities for technology integration in curriculum areas currently under revision;
  • Unit revisions for Computer Science & Design Thinking;
  • Development of Financial Literacy - Intro to Economics elective, reconfiguration of NJSLS - Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills standards 9.1, 9,2 & 9.4 from FCS to technology courses;
  • Inventory of outdated equipment to put up for sale in designated areas no longer being utilized;
  • Enhancement of tech platforms to facilitate student engagement and differentiation;
  • Upgrades to infrastructure, including firewall replacement, network configuration cleanup and wireless access point installation, this project will continue through fall;
  • Replacement of outside cameras at DeMasi elementary/middle schools will continue through fall;
  • Continuation of flat panel initiative, replacement of ActivBoards with ActivPanels (fall).

Professional Development
Professional development projects have also been implemented to support district-wide technology initiatives:

  • Technology Coaches participated in articulation meetings to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year. Professional development focused on authentic technology integration, AI, and tech proficiency levels.
  • ActivPanel Basics for teachers receiving new boards in summer/fall or who were unable to previously attend a summer session.
  • Various professional staff members participated in the district’s Technology Institute.
  • New Teacher Orientation/Math Institute incorporated various technology components for the Danielson Framework, as well as online platforms for the math curriculum.
  • Updated website training for district-level staff (building techs, dept. secretaries & tech supervisors) and building-level staff (secretaries & tech coaches), as needed.

As always, the summer was a very busy time for both departments; our staff is excited to see increased technology integration and learning opportunities in the classroom during the 2024-2025 school year.

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