
Curriculum News

Summer Curriculum Update 2024

The Curriculum Department completed a number of activities this past summer in preparation for the new school year. Projects have been on-going since school was let out in June and will continue through the end of September. Supervisors, teachers and administrators have worked hard to enhance our instructional program offerings for students in the 2024-2025 school year.

Curriculum Projects
Several curriculum development projects took place this summer, including:
  • Finalization of revisions to ELA and Math Curriculum documents as part of five-year revision cycle, board adoption will be in September;
  • Finalization of School Counseling program manual and development of lesson sharing resource, anticipated board adoption will be in the late fall/early winter;
  • Revision of Middle School Spanish units and Spanish 1 Elective to align with elementary revisions and LHRD learning intentions;
  • Development and revision of tech units of study to reflect updated standards and reconfiguration of dissolved Family and Consumer Sciences program;
  • Revision of Math Implementation Guides at grades K-8 to include differentiated resources and productive struggle;
  • Revision of 6th grade Accelerated Math Scope and Sequence to include 7th grade standards;
  • Revision of Reading and Writing protocols for grades K-8, including One District, One Theme protocols for September implementation;
  • Development of middle school Science Windows to create a spiral of key concepts and practices for students;
  • Development of elementary Health Connections connected to the Zones of Regulation in grades K-5;
  • Refinement of CARES and Traits of Growth with Diversity Connections for Grades 6-8;
  • Development of ESL program resources for classroom teachers;
  • Refinement of Reader’s Workshop protocols with best friend and/or touchstone texts;
  • Refinement of Word Study Resource documents for each grade level;
  • Development of presentations for August In-service Days; and
  • Refinement of Teacher Evaluation System Supports for turn-key training at the building level.
Professional Development
Professional development projects have also been implemented in a variety of areas to meet the needs of our students and staff, including:
  • Tier III coordinators participated in articulation meetings to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, professional development focused on strategies for gifted learners.
  • Responsive Classroom Facilitators met to plan 2024-2025 initiatives, professional development targeted on self-care, SEL, and cultural responsiveness.
  • Elementary and Middle School Professional Learning Community Facilitators participated in articulation meetings to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year. Professional development and focus areas for the year will target student engagement, belonging, and restorative practices. 
  • Technology Coaches participated in articulation meetings to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, professional development connecting to the hierarchy of technological proficiencies will be the main focus area.
  • Math Coaches participated in articulation meetings to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, professional development targeted on problem solving and solving for why.
  • School AED Team training in both CPR and AED as part of bi-yearly certification requirements.  
  • ActivPanel Basics for teachers receiving new boards in summer/fall or who were unable to previously attend a summer session.
  • New classroom teachers participated in Literacy, Mathematics, Responsive Classroom, and Technology Institutes in August, as well as New Teacher Orientation.
  • Reopening training related to mental and physical health, SEL, cybersecurity, and curriculum updates is scheduled for August 29th.
  • All staff will receive mandated opening day training on August 28th, with continued focus on health and safety practices.
  • Middle school ADT teachers will participate in PLTW training, as needed.
  • Special education teachers, intervention specialists, and teacher assistants will participate in Leveled Literacy Intervention, Project Read, SPIRE, and iReady training in the fall, as needed.
  • Reading Recovery Teacher training will occur for specialized staff, two in district, and up to five out of district (fee-based training).
As always, the summer was a very busy time for the Curriculum Department. Teachers and administrators are looking forward to putting into practice the many things that have been accomplished this summer in the upcoming school year!
The district hosted a variety of summer programs for selected students to participate in that were designated to meet particular identified needs. In total, about 750 students received services in the summer of 2024. These programs include:
  • CAPPS (Coordinated Arts Program for Primary Students) welcomed identified incoming kindergarteners to a program designed to develop social readiness and enhance academic skills.
  • The Literacy and Math Support Program targeted incoming first, second, third and fourth graders and provided instruction through the district's balanced literacy and math models with reading, writing, and word study skills integrated into each student lit session and conceptual understanding infused in math groups.
  • A Summer Learning Academy was offered to recommended students entering grades 5-8.  The program provides small group tutoring sessions in the area of literacy and/or math.
  • Metamorphosis, a middle school program, for selected incoming sixth and seventh graders focused on developing communication skills, improving peer relationships and interactions, and developing a positive self-image.
  • The ESY (extended school year) program was provided to identified students in preschool through eighth-grade as part of their individualized education plans.
  • A Tier III Enrichment Extensions Camp was also offered over the summer, which brought together identified gifted and talented students from across the district for various course offerings centered around 21st century life and career concepts.
  • In addition, some of our Reading Specialists and ESL staff provided individual or small group tutoring, based on identified school-level needs.
The Evesham Education Foundation continues to generously contribute designated summer programs annually and we appreciate their continued support.
Students and Therapy DogETSD Students Work with Their TeacherChildren Reading a Book with ParentETSD Students Read with Their Teacher
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