March is National Reading Month and schools take this opportunity to celebrate literacy. This includes Read Across America Day, which takes place on March 2nd annually. The theme is "Celebrate a Nation of Diverse Readers." Our goal as a district is to promote lifelong readers!
The Evesham Township School District uses a balanced literacy approach for instruction in Language Arts. In keeping with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, our focus for literacy instruction is to develop a community of learners who value literacy and use it in their everyday lives for a variety of purposes. Therefore, we view providing instruction in essential literacy strategies and exposing students to the many ways literacy enriches our lives, as an integral part of every student’s daily experience in our schools. The literacy time block is composed of five parts: Writer’s Workshop, Guided Reading, Core Literature, Reader’s Workshop and Word Study.
While literacy instruction is taught daily throughout the entire school year, the end of February/early March is a special time where additional literacy celebrations occur across the district. The National Education Association (NEA) hosts an annual Read Across America (RAA) event. The project aims to promote literacy and increase awareness about the excitement of reading for all ages, both young and old. ETSD always takes part in this nationwide special event through a variety of literacy activities such as buddy readers that bridge from preschool through high school, special guest readers from the community, school-wide Drop Everything and Read minutes, and special morning messages. In additional to RAA, some of the schools hold literacy weeks with theme-based literacy days and events such as Reading Fairs, Milk & Cookie Night, Author Visits/Assemblies, Read-a-Thons, and Book Fairs.